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🍂 Heads-up summary: proofreading quality enhancements, product UI updates & other perks

Dear WebSpellChecker clients,

This year we do feel like #backtoschool since the majority of all recent improvements have been focused on fine-tuning our proofreading engines. 

Just like school teachers, we took red pens and started carefully analyzing the WProofreader’s performance; this huge linguistic move under the hood was inspired by you and your valuable feedback!

So, by gearing you up for autumn, we mean:

The linguistic harvest

Pumpkin, spice, WProofreader nice — we wish it was always such, but we confess that there’s still room for improvement when it comes to linguistics. Let’s just assume digital text checkers can’t be as precise and smart as human beings, but at least we strive. 

Starting from summer with sangria in hands, we began the general cleaning of our dictionaries: 

  • 800+ processed cases by all the English dialects in both common and medical/legal lexicons to avoid gibberish suggestions
  • Updates of the third-party grammar engine, analysis and reviews of inconsistent rules
  • AI-based grammatical error correction engine enhancements: fixing bugs occurred at the suggestions’ post-processing phase, broken replacements, and incorrect underlines  
  • LGBTQIA+ dataset to eliminate biased corrections
  • Filtered spelling and autocorrect suggestions

We dare to say that this is a bold beginning of a new era for WProofreader, which eventually will lead to more qualified behavior and adequate human-like suggestions.

Turning a new leaf of the WProofreader core

The mid-autumn change bundle for WProofreader core includes:

  • The extended dialog mode with Show more and Show less options. Now you get an aggregated view of all the issues found in the text categorized by spelling, grammar and style error types.
  • The sidebar dialog mode to natively integrate WProofreader into custom environments, disabled by default, but available as an option. Contact us if you’re interested!
  • The support of non-editable elements like readonly or disabled input fields — a customizable parameter
  • The speed-up underlines in the as-you-type mode, also available as a configurable option

This year we serve you all treats, no tricks. For more information on configurable options, check this.

The fall bundle of the WProofreader extension

We continue integrating and adapting the WProofreader browser extension with the Google Workspace environment. This time we launched the support for Google Sheets and Pageless mode in Google Docs. We bet you and your users will be more than pleased to see the blue and red underlines in the editable cells and on the right side of your inseparable document. 

H2 A crunchy pile of UI improvements

We never want summer UI improvements to end. So, with the latest releases, we’ve treated you with:

  • Translated and verified localizations for 50+ languages. Manual translations were done for German, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian, Portuguese and simplified Chinese to eliminate obtrusive anglicisms popping out on UI. 
  • More and more accessibility issues sorted out: recently we’ve run another check of WProofreader core against VPAT 2.5 INT standards and made our product even more accessible for all categories of users.
  • Improved formatting for the AI writing assistant output for better visibility

Other autumn arrivals and next plans

On a final note in this October newsletter, we’d like to emphasize other useful updates:

  • A quick tour on demo pages where we’ll guide you step by step on how to test WProofreader on RTEs demos
  • Custom dictionary and style guide API fixes (success messages, CSV files upload option)

Next, we’re planning:

  • Further proofreading quality upgrades for English and dialects, German, Spanish
  • More style guides to cover 
  • Application manager — an all-in-place user dashboard — MVP is scheduled to be released by the end of this year (fingers crossed)

To upgrade to the newest version and get a bucket of updates, please contact us at [email protected]. Thanks for proofreading with us — we fall for your business! 

Best, WebSpellChecker team

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