Our partners
When professionals put their expertise together, robust solutions emerge. WebSpellChecker proofreading solutions are available within the products created by our partners or can be extended by the latter.
CKSource has been around since 2006, maintaining the most widely used web content editor, CKEditor. With the introduction of the CKEditor Ecosystem in 2017, it brings innovation and vision to rich text editing solutions, enabling anyone to write quality content and collaborate on it in real-time. In the scope of the partnership between WebSpellChecker and CKSource, SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) plugin is integrated in CKEditor 4. The free Cloud version of the SCAYT plugin is available from the advertisement banner for all CKEditor customers. The ad-free version is available upon purchase of the cloud or on-premise version of the application.
Froala is all about creating beautiful web tools to empower people to bring their ideas to life on the web. Froala created an editor that took WYSIWYG HTML editing to a whole new level. In the scope of the partnership between WebSpellChecker and Froala, we’ve developed a component to embed a spell- and grammar checking feature in Froala Editor.
Spellex Corporation is a world leader in assistive technology (AT) software solutions designed to improve the literacy of individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders relating to written communications. We partnered to provide our customers with the on-demand access to the Spellex’s profession-specific lexicons within the WebSpellChecker toolset.
TeamDev Management is an Estonian company specializing in providing software development services and is an authorized reseller for products of WebSpellChecker LLC.
If you want to offer spell – and grammar checking tools as a part of your product or service, please contact us for more details on financial terms and deal structures for our partners.
Our resellers
All WebSpellChecker solutions can be also purchased via our trusted software procurement partners.
Feel like your customers need spell and grammar checking solutions? Contact us for information about our reseller program.