Fully aware, that with this announcement we might put an end to some of our classic products, we still can’t hold the future back.
Meet the all-new WebSpellChecker Proofreader! The tool comprising everything we’ve learned about proofreading put in a shiny new UI.
Here’s why you’ll love the Proofreader just as we do:
- Both instant spell- and grammar checking, and proofreading in a dialog are now available simultaneously.
- You’ll need a single script to integrate in all types of editable fields. Even in CKEditor 5.
- The Auto-search takes care of detecting new editable fields and enabling proofreading in them automatically.
- New clean and comfy UI includes intuitive suggestion boxes, proofreading on hover, and more.
- The powerful engine checks spelling in 168 and grammar – in 14 languages in all modern browsers.
Give it a Try
The Proofreader is full on and available for use. Please see the installation instructions for the Server and Cloud versions.