Thank you for your interest in the products. We continue to keep you updated on our new services and plans to enhance your SpellChecker experience.
In the February newsletter we are proud to announce that WebSpellChecker is an embedded spell-checker in the new version of FCKeditor, which was released on January 31, 2009.
FCKeditor 2.6.4 With Integrated WebSpellChecker Released
Now all FCKeditor users have service, which requires no server side installations and configurations.
The new WebSpellChecker plug-in for the FCKeditor, which is a part of the FCKeditor starting from version 2.6.4, does not require any installation steps. All required settings and configuration adjustments are already done in the plug-in code.
Each day more than 3,000 downloads of FCKeditor with WebSpellChecker embedded. Now thousands of FCKeditor users are able to evaluate the benefits of the product.
WebSpellChecker with advertisement is available for free for all users of FCKeditor. To get rid of ads hosted or licensed version should be purchased.
Multiple Languages Support
Release of the beta version of the with expanded language support is scheduled on March 2009.
Apart from 16 currently supported languages spell-checking in the following additional languages is already available in the application demo:
Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Faroese, Galician, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Marathi, Oriya, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh and others…
Additional languages support is being implemented using an open source Enchant library.
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