1. Grammar Support for Default Languages
With release 5.0.1 we are introducing grammar support for 14 languages from the default languages list. Grammar feature is now supported for: English (American), English (Canadian), English (British), Danish, Dutch, French (Canadian), French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish.
Grammar is NOT supported for Norwegian Bokmal and Finnish.
This feature will be available for the customers who subscribed to Cloud Paid Services or obtained WebSpellChecker Server Licenses. The users of the Free version can use basic grammar checking functionality only for American and British English.
2. New Application Source URL in SCAYT plugin for CKEditor
We have combined bunch of separate applications which used for various integrations with rich text editors and plain HTML editable elements into a single unified bundle application. Now we have a single backward compatible application JS file (wscbundle.js) that can be used instead for all these integrations.
Default path to SCAYT plugin for CKEditor has been changed from …/ckscayt.js to …/wscbundle/wscbundle.js.
The old path to …/ckscayt.js is backward compatible and keep working as before.
3. User Interface Updates in SCAYT plugin for CKEditor
3.1. Languages Tab
We have removed green marks and legend related to grammar supported languages. At the moment there are not marks as now grammar is supported almost for all the languages in the list.
4. User Manuals Updates
4.1. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor User Manual
We have made several minor updates in User Manual to outline changes related to the introducing the extended grammar support. The view of the Language tab and add description about supported languages for grammar functionality.
4.2. WebSpellChecker Proofreader User Manual
We have updated the description of the Language tab section by adding a note about the introducing the extended grammar support for 14 languages from the default languages list. Visit WebSpellChecker Proofreader User Manual 5.0.1.
5. Enlarged Medical Dictionary
Each year modern technologies and researchers in the medical field boost the number of new medical terms that come into use. Our team is keeping an eye on this evolving trend and trying to maintain the Medical word list up-to-date. This time our English Medical Dictionary has been extended with more than 1,600 new medical terms.
Bug Fixes
- GitHub #2882: SCAYT plugin for Froala Editor: Spell checker crashes if .fr-box gets hidden
- [WP-1548] – SCAYT & WSC plugin for CKEditor: WSC JS error in console “Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined”
- [WP-1833] – SCAYT plugin CKEditor: Markup is not set for a specific case in IE10
- [WP-1769] – SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: Accessibility issue: No alt tag for Logo image on About tab
- [WP-1947] – SCAYT for Editable Controls: SCAYT with declarative initialization can’t be disabled
- [WP-478] – SCAYT for Editable Controls: Focus is jumping after Disable SCAYT in FF/IE11
- [WP-1884] – SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE: There is an error “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) tinymce.woff”
- [WP-1865] – WSC plugin for TinyMCE: Incorrect title “wsc_button_desc” is used for the ABC button
- [WP-1897] – WSC for Editable Controls: WSC dialog/modal window is not loaded properly when a custom virtual directory used for initialization instead of default /spellcheck
- [WP-1837] – Web API: The format (XML/JSON) parameter doesn’t work for “get_lang_list” command
- [WP-1431] – User Dictionary: Incorrect dictionary name is recorded log files and adding extra prefix ud_ud_1000000