- Grammar engine. Updated 3rd party engine, LanguageTool, to version 6.0.
- Added and improved grammar rules for the next languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, German, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian.
- Updated/excluded 3rd party vulnerable components org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:5.5.5 and org.json:json:20200518.
Bug fixes
- [WP-4640] User dictionary API: Incorrect error message on ‘addword’ with unsupported characters
- [WP-4641] Custom dictionary API: Words followed by Windows carriage return are ignored
- [WP-4614] AppServer: ‘compileCustDict’ parameter doesn’t work*
* ‘compileCustDict’ parameter that was used for compilation of global custom dictionaries is deprecated. File compilation is no longer needed, just plain text files with appropriate formatting.