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  • Automate configuration of reverse proxy in Windows installer for IIS to avoid exposing a custom 2880 port.

Note! Reverse proxy server can be configured on top of a web server or Java application server allows our customers to avoid the configuration of SSL connection directly for application server (AppServer) / licensing server or exposing 2880 port.

Grammar engine

  • Updated 3rd party engine, LanguageTool, to version 5.5. Added and improved grammar rules for the next languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.

Breaking changes

  • Removed support of Apache HTTP Server and Java Application Servers (Apache Tomcat, Oracle Weblogic) for Windows-based installation. However, there is still Other option which can be used for manual configuration (not recommended). 

Bug fixes

  • [WP-4036, WP-4040] Web API and WProofreader have offsets problems with zero-width spaces