stopImmediatePropagation, onContextMenuHandler methods in UI adaptor
Fixes of the major issues for the beta release:
Firefox (FF): SCAYT Context Menu can’t be opened on the RMB click if the editor is not focused
INDEX_SIZE_ERR in the browser console after the text is pasted several times
SCAYT Context Menu: Incorrect suggestions are provided in the suggestions section when a user tries to open the context menu a misspelled word is focused in both textarea input
Uncaught IndexSizeError when a user opens the SCAYT context menu and then focuses the HTML control
JS error in the browser console on the Drop action to the SCAYT instance
Text Processing: Text is cut on the Paste action when the clipboard is empty
IE8-11: Dragged text is not removed on the Drop action
Undo and Redo: Redo command is available when a user types some text after Undo command.
IE9: SCAYT is created via a new keyword: JS error “SCRIPT5007: Invalid operand to ‘in’: Object expected” on the SCAYT load.
2. Web API: Grammar check commands.
SCAYT Core: Integration of the mechanism for client-side cross-origin requests into SCAYT 3 products such as SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls, SCAYT plugin for CKEditor, SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE.
AppServer: Added license activation from the command line on Windows.
Web Interface Component (SSRV):
Detailed information for ?cmd=status response
Integration of the RapidJSON library into SSRV.cgi component for an automatic JSON creation for SCAYT 3
Compliance with C++ 11 standard
Bug Fixes:
AppServer: The WSC application license is lost when a user turns off programmatically all the LAN interfaces and tries to access the application.