Simplified default context menu: Removed Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy/Past, Help
Improved User Interface localization: 27 languages:
16 default languages
11 additional languages
Improved behavior of the spelling and grammar detection mechanism when underlining incorrect words or phrases
Simplified ignore words functionality: “Ignore all” command ignores all the same words and doesn’t consider them as misspelled within the text until the page reloads
Improved behavior of the spelling and grammar detection mechanism when underlining incorrect words or phrases
Simplified default context menu: Removed Undo/Redo and Help
Simplified ignore words functionality: “Ignore all” command ignores all the same words and doesn’t consider them as misspelled within the text until the page reloads
SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE: Support and compliance with TinyMCE 4.6.4.
SCAYT for Froala Editor: New SCAYT Demo Sample with Froala Editor in the Server package.
Bug Fixes:
SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls: Iframe: Incorrect behavior when inserting text to the “Paste dialog”
SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls: Drag and Drop of the selected phrase causes “HierarchyRequestError” in FireFox
SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: “NotFoundError” when words are quickly removed from the User Dictionary in IE11
SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: Grammar: Grammar problem is still present even if this problem was marked as “Ignored”
GitHub #40: WebSpellChecker plugin for CKEditor: IE throws an error when spell checking is started
SCAYT and WebSpellChecker: Middle dot “l·l” is considered as a separator in the Catalan language while it shouldn’t