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WProofreader v3.0.4457

  • Implemented support of right-to-left (RTL) mode for a new floating proofread dialog. Thus, user interface elements for such RTL languages as Arabic or Hebrew will be mirrored compared to the left-to-right languages.
  • Updated localization of the WProofreader user interface, specifically suggestion pop-up and floating dialog, for English (en), French (fr), Arabic (ar), Hebrew (he), Ukrainian (uk) and Italian (it). Also created localization for Russian (ru).
  • Added a new onToggle callback that allows listening to the application state changes from enabled to disabled.


  • Implemented support of a user-level dictionary for the AI-based engine. Now users can add words to their dictionaries using the Add word button for spelling type problems. Those words won’t be underlined until this word in the dictionary.
  • Added support of the Russian dictionary with strict Cyrillic ‘Yo’ / Unicode ‘Io’ as a separate language option with the language code: ry_RU, (source: Available on demand.
  • Updated 3rd party engine, LanguageTool, to version 5.2. Added and improved grammar rules for the next languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.

Bug fixes


  • [WP-3737] WProofreader: Replace action doesn’t work in the unfocused state of inline CKEditor 4
  • [WP-3747] WProofreader: Overwritten style of font from normal to bold and no line break in dialog
  • [WP-3723, GitHub#18]: WProofreader plugin for CKE5: If backend is unavailable for more than 5 requests, the instances states won’t be synchronized


  • [WP-3748]: API: Dictionary name value is not protected against XSS injection
  • [WP-3745]  AppServer: Request with the chosen language ‘auto’ fails