Back to Release NotesEnhancements:
- Windows and Linux installators updates
- Security updates
- Logging and debugging updates
- AppServer: AppServer could be run from a non-privileged user on Linux-based environments
- WSC plugin for CKEditor: Added a new parameter “wsc_interfaceLang”. Find more here.
- SProxy.php component updates
- Grammar support for Linux-based environments
Dictionaries updates
Bug Fixes:
- GitHub #121: SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: SCAYT affects Bold/Italic/Strike
- GitHub #110: SCAYT Core: Warning thrown while enabling SCAYT (Rangy lib)
- SCAYT Core: Focus jumping after SCAYT load
- SCAYT Core: CKEditor 4: JS error on double clicking of the empty editor
- AppServer: CompileCustDictCommand is not interrupted if there is an error until execution