This is a changelog for the old versions of WebSpellChecker Server 4.8.2 – 3.3.2. These versions are no longer supported by WebSpellChecker.
If you are using one of these old version, we strongly recommend you to upgrade to the most recent versions of our products to stay up-to-date and have access to the new features and list of enhancements that we introduced with each new release.
Please visit WebSpellChecker Server Release Notes to find more about our newest releases.
Version 4.8.2
Release Date: December 23, 2015
- Alpha version of SCAYT 3 for Textbox has been implemented
- Custom Dictionary Functionality for additional languages has been implemented
- SCAYT plug-in for CKEditor 4: Implementation of parameter for predefined options (details on demo page)
- Security updates:
- GitHub #32: Fix for Issue: SCAYT Plug-in for CKEditor 4: SCAYT stops to work correctly after WSC window is canceled
- GitHub #107: Fix for Issue: SCAYT plug-in for CKEditor 4: SCAYT verifies non-editable parts of content
- GitHub #108: Fix for Issue: SCAYT CORE: SCAYT copies id of editor element to the iframe
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT plug-in for CKEditor 4: SCAYT copies id of editor element to the iframe
- Disabled localStorage in IE11 crashes spell checking
- FireFox: SCAYT plug-in for CKEditor 4: Incorrect processing of SCAYT markup on backspace between two words
- IE 8: SSRV/CGI component: Empty lines are removed by WSC for Textarea
- IE: SCAYT plug-in for CKEditor 4: Placeholder can’t be drag-and-dropped into the SCAYT’s span in the CKEditor with enabled Placeholder plugin
- Removing profanity words functionality: Last suggestion for misspelled word duplicates when some of suggestions for this word added to exclude.tlx (details on functionality:
- SCAYT plug-in for TinyMCE 4: SCAYT inserts its markup inside <script> tag
- Spanish dictionary update
Version 4.8.1
Release Date: September 1, 2015
- Suggestion prioritization functionality has been implemented
- Support of CKEditor’s Language plugin
- Updates in the REST API for User Dictionary
- SCAYT plugin for CKEditor4: GRAYT options are present in SCAYT Languages dialog for CKEditor with enabled GRAYT only
- Remove SCAYT markup mechanism has been updated
- New “scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup” has been implemented to enable SCAYT for unfocused CKEditor with Inline mode
Bug Fixes:
- Fix for Issue. GitHub #104. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: Copy & Cut functionalityadds SCAYT spans for CKEditor with enabled ACF
- Fix for Issue. WebInterface. Issue with Finish Checking for WYSIWYG with hidden control
- Fix for Issue. SCAYT CORE. Incorrect handling of misspelled words by SCAYT in the div-contenteditable CKEditor
Version 4.8
Release Date: July 3, 2015
- GrammarAsYouType (GRAYT) feature for CKEditor 4
- Installation process for Apache Web Server has been updated
- Security updates to avoid XSS vulnerability in ssrv.cgi requests
- Updates in the AppServer start/stop processes
- Updates in the help for AppServerX console commands
- User Dictionary Web API updates
- WebInterface. Suggestions caching has been implemented for WSC
Bug Fixes:
- GitHub #88: SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: Error is thrown while moving between the editors with enabled SCAYT
- GitHub #97. Documentation. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4 is exposing globals in the documentation
- GitHub #98. SCAYT Core. SCAYT affects properties dialog of the image in CKEditor 4
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4: Several openings of WSC window cause JS error when using IE 11
- SCAYT Core: SCAYT markup is not refresh when some part of misspelled word is removed using “Cut” function of the context menu
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT markup is not refreshed when space between two words is removed
- SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: ckscay.js file is loaded twice and causes the error
- SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE 3: Error is thrown on SCAYT Dialog tab clicking
- SSRV/CGI component: Incorrect last suggestion is returned by ssrv.cgi
Version 4.7
Release Date: April 29, 2015
- User Dictionary synchronization for WSC and SCAYT plugins for CKEditor 4.
- Dictionaries: Updates in the Danish dictionary
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Core: CKEditor 4 with inline mode: CKEditor’s toolbar is not hidden when SCAYT is enabled and the editor is unfocused in FireFox
- SCAYT Core: Cursor jumping on CKEditor v4 with inline modu focusing in Chrome
- SCAYT Core: JS error on replacing incorrect word with CKEditor’s toolbar elements in IE
- SCAYT Core: SCAYT sets maxlength = 0 by default to original Textarea
- SCAYT Core:. Incorect flow of destroy() method of SCAYT 2 API
- SCAYT Core: SCAYT stops working after setData is called with “Div Editing Area” plugin for CKEditor v4
- GitHub #92. SCAYT Core: INDEX_SIZE_ERROR after inserting text field element into CKEditor
- GitHub #86: SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: Error thrown in console when focusing editor after specific operations in IE 8
Version 4.6.3
Release Date: February 13, 2015
- User Dictionary functionality support in Master AppServer
Bug Fixes:
- WebInterface. Incorrect flow of text transferring from CKEditor 4 to the WSC pop-up for page with CKEditor and hidden control
Version 4.6.2
Release Date: January 29, 2015
- French dictionary updates
- Multilevel structure support for WSC
- SCAYT CORE. Update limitation for words number with suggestions generated by SCAYT
- Updates for installation process on Apache 2.4 for Linux
- WebInterface. Parts of speech views differently for FIGS languages
Bug Fixes:
- GitHub #30. WSC plugin for CKEditor 4: Error thrown when running spellchecking on linguistically text inIE11 on Windows 8
- GitHub #70. SCAYT CORE. CKEditor 4: SCAYT markup is not refreshed correctly after pasting the word using context or browser menu
- GitHub #71. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: CKEditor focus is lost when enabling SCAYT using keyboard
- GitHub #89. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: SCAYT gets disabled when opening and closing the template dialog
- GitHub #91. SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4: SCAYT affects dir attribute of the <body>
- WebInterface: Cross-domain.JSerrors on ‘Options’ dialog opening when WSC content loads from different domains
- WebInterface: Finish Checking causes WSC window hanging for several CKEditor instances
- WebInterface: Incorrect flow of text transferring from CKEditor 4 to the WSC pop-up for page with CKEditor and hidden control
Version 4.6.1
Release Date: December 4, 2014
- Thesaurus support for French, Italian, German, Spanish languages has been implemented
- SSRV/CGI: security updates
- GitHub #82. SCAYT 3 Plug-in for CKEditor4. Optimize code in SCAYT during dialog definition with several instances
- Close button has been added to the modal dialog of WSC
- Austrian German localization has been added to WSC plug-in for CKEditor 4
- SCAYT Plugins for CKEditor 3, CKEditor 4, TinyMCE 3, TinyMCE 4. Minimal length of misspelled word option has been implemented. Parameter is called scayt_minWordLength.
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT CORE:IE. Errors in console on any actions with localStorage when SCAYT 3 is opened through file system
- SCAYT CORE for Textbox. SCAYT doesn’t support data-client_id attribute
- GitHub #84. SCAYT 3 plugin for CKEditor 4. SCAYT throws error and breaks editor initialization if startupMode is ‘source’ by default
- GitHub #60. SCAYT CORE. Text can’t be selected with double click during SCAYT markuping in CKEditor and TinyMCE editors
- GitHub #38. SCAYT CORE. SCAYT doesn’t refresh mark-up after <Enter> in the middle of a misspelled word
- GitHub #30: SCAYT CORE.: Backward selection is affected with SCAYT
Version 4.6
Release Date: September 30, 2014
- AppServer: Custom Dictionary compilation command has been released
- AppServer. Floating License mechanism has been released
- GitHub #80. SCAYT 3 CORE. Constant JavaScript alerts in SCAYT v3 are replaced with logging
- SCAYT 3 CORE. scayt_elementsToIgnore option to ignore spellchecking inHTMLtags has been released
- Thai support for SCAYT has been released
Bug Fixes:
- GitHub #79. SCAYT 3 CORE.JSerror on every word that is the name of a method of Object.prototype object in FireFox
- AppServer. AppServer throws the error while processing the 64 and more characters words
- Сonflict of Signals and RequiredJSlibraries in SCAYT 3
- German Dictionary update
- Issues with doc strings for SCAYT config options in the CKEditor’s documentation
- SCAYT 2 CORE. Textbox. SCAYT affects text on Reset Form action
- GitHub #61. SCAYT 3 CORE. Index_Size_Error error on dialog opening during the text is processed by SCAYT
- GitHub #77. SCAYT Plug-in for CKEditor 4: SCAYT Options are not stored
- Github #73. SCAYT Plug-in for CKEditor 4. Option tags gets split with SCAYT enabled
- SCAYT Plug-in for CKEditor 4. SCAYT markup is not refreshed after text pasting via CKEditor’sAPI
- WebInterface. Double slash in the RequestURLto ssrv.cgi
Version 4.5.4
Release Date: July 22, 2014
Bug Fixes:
SCAYT v3 CORE: SCAYT underlining is not taken off while SCAYT disabling through CKEditor 4 toolbar control
Version 4.5.3
Release Date: July 11, 2014
- Custom Dictionary functionality improvements
- Brazilian Portuguese dictionary enhancements
- CGI/SSRV: security enhancements
- SCAYT v3 for CKEditor 4 enhancement: “scayt_disableOptionsStorage” to reset scayt options after the page refresh has been implemented
- Resize and Set Position functionality for WSC plug-in for CKEditor 3+ and Textarea with modal window have been released
Bug Fixes:
- SProxy Java Component: sproxy.jar doesn’t support SSL
- SCAYT v3 plug-in for CKEditor 4: DOM Exception on WSC pop-up opening when SCAYT is enabled
- SCAYT v3 for CKEditor 4: Incorrect processing of hyphenated words in IE 11
- SCAYT v3 CORE: The cursor jumps after the text is processed by SCAYT in FireFox, Chrome, Safari
- SCAYT v2 CORE: Incorrect markup filtering in IE 11
- WSC for Textarea, TinyMCE 3 and TinyMCE 4: Suggestions are disabled for the second misspelled word
- WSC for Textarea, TinyMCE 3 and TinyMCE 4: HTML markup is not filtered in WSC window
Version 4.5.2
Release Date: April 17, 2014
- Improved Linux Installer has been released
- Improved Windows Installer has been released. backup and installation log
- SSRV/CGIsecurity improvements has been released
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT 3 CORE. A word can’t be copied after WSC dialog is closed with enabled SCAYT
- SCAYT 3 CORE. Incorrect processing of the block HTML elements in CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR mode
- SCAYT 3 CORE. JS error on CKEditor focusing after modes changing with enabled SCAYT
- SCAYT 3 CORE. Chrome, Safari. Incorrect cursor position after pressing ‘Enter’ when ‘CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR’ parameter was set
- SCAYT 3 CORE. IE 9. Tollbar is hidden after SCAYT launching
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4 Inline Mode. SCAYT mark-up disappears after Finish Checking
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4. JS error on Options dialog closing in the CKEditor with inline mode
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4. IE 8: Incorrect elements path for images elements
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4. IE 8: JS error on Options dialog openning
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4. Incorrect cursor position after Add Word command
- SCAYT 3 plug-in for CKEditor 4. SCAYT loses state when moving focus between nested editables
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. WSC dialog is not focused when Options diaolog is closed
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. IE 9. Options dialog is opened with error and can’t be closed
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. Tabbing Navigation
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. CKEditor’s dialogs are affected after WSC dialog closing for editor created with AJAX
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. IE 8. JS error on WSC dialog openning for correct text or empty editor
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4. WSC doesn’t work for CKEditor via CDN
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 4.3.3. Grammar and Thesaurus tabs are not available
- WebInterface. Igonre All command doesn’t work for words with special symbols in WSC for CKEditor 4
- WebInterface. JS error on Add Word command in WSC for Textarea
- WebInterface. JS error on Languges changing in the CKEditor 4 with Inline Mode
Version 4.5.1
Release Date: February 6, 2014
IE 11 support is released
Version 4.5
Release Date: January 15, 2014
- SCAYT v3 is released for CKEditor 4
- SCAYT v3. Callback function on spell checking finish is released
- Grammar checking support for x64 native Windows build
Bug Fixes:
- WSC CKEditor 4. WSC doesn’t support RTL languages
- SCAYT CKEditor 4. @example tag during the JS documentation generating
- SCAYT CKEditor. SCAYT affects mixed HTML markup of the misspelled text while typing
- SCAYT Textbox. JS error on context menu openning for a misspelled word
- AppServer. Linux. AppServer can’t be started/stoped while tailing
- AppServer. THIN SPACE is affected
Version 4.4
Release Date: November 26, 2013
- SCAYT v3. New version of SCAYT plug-in for TinyMCE is released
- TinyMCE 4 support
- Windows and Linux installers are updated
- Rest AppServer status call: JSON and XML formats support
- AppServer. Logging enhancement for User Dictionary commands
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT v3 TinyMCE 3.Incorrect representation of ‘No suggestions’ item for misspelled words with no suggestions
- SCAYT v3 TinyMCE 3. Incorrect processing of apostrophe
- SCAYT CKEditor 4. Chrome: JS error on text removing
- SCAYT CORE. Focus on context menu opening in Chrome, Safari, IE 8
Version 4.3.1
Release Date: September 23, 2013
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT 3. SCAYT plug-in for TinyMCE doesn’t work through SSL
- SCAYT 3. Improvements for Custom Dictionaries and User Dictionaries functionalities
- WSC plug-in for CKEditor 4. An error thrown constantly while using WSC
Version 4.3
Release Date: September 12, 2013
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT version 3 is released for TinyMCE
- SCAYT Core. Performance improvements in SCAYT for TinyMCE
- WSC plugin for CKEditor. Support of the latest version of CKEditor 4.2.1
- SCAYT UI. Updated Norwegian localization
- Dictionaries: Norwegian Nynorks dictionary is updated
Bug Fixes:
- WSC plugin for CKEditor 3.X. Fix for bug: JS error after Finish Checking in Firefox 22
Version 4.2.2
Release Date: May 28, 2013
- WebInterface. New WebSpellChecker UI for CKEditor is released
- AppServer. Spell-checking in multiple languages is released
- SCAYT CORE. Callback function for failed server requests is released
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT CORE. Text is not marked-up for typed misspelled words in IE 10 in CKEditor 3+/4+
Version 4.2.1
Release Date: March 25, 2013
- SCAYT Textbox. Managing SCAYT UI instances is released
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT CORE. Page is scrolled up after paste into SCAYT Textarea
- SCAYT CORE. Paste from browser ‘Edit’ menu is available
Version 4.2
Release Date: February 12, 2013
- Dictionaries. American English dictionary update
- Dictionaries. Iberian Portuguese dictionary update due to Brazilian spelling reform
- Dictionaries. Medical dictionary update
- SCAYT Core. Option scaytDecorator is implemented
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Core. Performance issue in SCAYT
Version 4.1
Release Date: December 24, 2012
- Installation: Support of automated installation for Windows 2012 Server
- Improvement of installation instruction of application Linux version
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Core. IgnoreElementsRegex doesn’t filter <blockquote>
- SCAYT Core: CKEditor 4 Inline Mode: Incorrect work with ID of SCAYT controls
- SCAYT Textbox. CreateStyleSheet invalid arguments error
- SCAYT Core: CKEditor 3.6.5: [IE6-9] Error when pasting with SCAYT enabled
- WSC Modal Window: IE7: Error while opening the WSC modal window
- SCAYT Core: Safari 6: CKEditor crashes when it is destroyed if SCAYT is enabled
Version 4.0
Release Date: November 6, 2012
- AppServer 4.0 is released
- AppServer: Integration with third-party grammar checkers
- AppServer: Custom priorities mechanism for grammar engines
- SCAYT localization is released
- SCAYT UI customization is released
- CKEditor is updated to 3.6.5 version
- WSC modal window. Options dialog modality is released
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Textbox. This returns SCAYT instance instead of HTML TextAreaElement
- SCAYT TextBox. Incorrect destroy of SCAYT instances in IE
- SCAYT TextBox. SCAYT generates HTML inconsistency in IE and Webkit
- SCAYT TextBox. All the attribute handlers are activated twice
- SCAYT API. SetSCAYTCssSheets(): incorrect work in Input and Textarea in IE
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT affects the replacement of DIV with CKEditor on the fly
- SCAYT plugin for for TinyMCE: SCAYT causes JS error on several change to fullscreen editing mode
- Plugin for TinyMCE: Spell-checking language is always American English in fullscreen mode
- SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE: SCAYT doesn’t work with the editor instance without SCAYT on the same page
- WSC. Running WSC from different sub domains causes security errors.
- WSC: Incorrect value of Initial Language parameter crashes the page
- WSC: Scrollbars in WSC option window in Webkit
- Web API: Invalid JSON response format
Version 3.9
Release Date: September 4, 2012
- WSC. WebSpellChecker modal window is released
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Textbox. Fix for bug: Incorrect filtering of pasted text on Mac
- SCAYT Textbox. Fix for bug: SCAYT deletes empty new lines on paste in IE
- SCAYT Core. Fix for bug: “Object doesn’t support property or method ‘hasAttribute’ ” in Quirks mode in IE
- SCAYT plug-in for TinyMCE. Localization is released
- CKEditor. Fix for ticket #8929 SCAYT causes list formatting issues when config.enterMode=CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
- CKEditor. Fix for ticket #9095. SCAYT adds bad characters in Webkit
- CKEditor. Fix for ticket #9161. SCAYT affects IsDirty and ResetIsDirty
- CKEditor. Fix for bug: Underscore symbol in id attributes leads to “Dictionary error” issue
- FCKeditor. Fix for bug: SCAYT is disabled after GetData()/GetHTML()/GetXHTML() call
Version 3.8.1
Release Date: July 2, 2012
- AppServer. Licensing system improvements.
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Textbox. Extra space in empty SCAYT textarea in FF/Webkit.
- SCAYT Textbox. Cursor. IE: Cursor is jumping among SCAYT controls while misspelling markup
- SCAYT Textbox. Div tag appears in SCAYT textarea when mouse over in IE 7,8, Webkit
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT doesn’t ignore text in <style> tag
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT incorrectly processes override of base classes by third-party library
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT is not loaded due to syntax error in IE less than 9.
- WSC plugin for TinyMCE. Customization of WSC popup
- WSC plugin for TinyMCE. WSC plugin for TinyMCE: wsc_popup_title setting doesn’t work
- WSC plugin for TinyMCE. Incorrect tool tip for WSC icon on toolbar
- CKEditor. Fix for Ticket #8889: SCAYT inserts nonbreaking spaces in IE 9/8/7 and Chrome 18
- WSC . Title setting doesn’t work for L&F18
- Dictionaries. “false” word is added to American English dictionary
- SSRV. “Change all” doesn’t work for words with specific dashes and quotes
- SSRV. Add option indicating whether to show grammar tab
- SSRV. Security is improved. XSS issues fixed.
Version 3.8
Release Date: March 31, 2012
- SCAYT API. SpellCheckAsYouType API is released
- SCAYT Textbox. Health and Human Services (HHS) Section 508 compliance implemented
- WebSpellChecker. Health and Human Services (HHS) Section 508 compliance implemented
- SCAYT Textbox. Redesign. Automatic mapping of events and properties from original element to SCAYT element
- Documentation. Sample with custom dictionary added to standard sample set
- Documentation. WSC and SCAYT manuals for end user were prepared and published
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Textbox. Maxlength feature for SCAYT Textbox isn’t supported in IE9
- SCAYT Textbox. SCAYT stops working after first post back for Textbox in UpdateControl
- SCAYT Textbox. SCAYT styles override word wrap
- SCAYT Textbox. SCAYT deletes new line symbol on submit event
- SCAYT Textbox. getContentLength() method returns wrong number of symbols
- SCAYT Textbox. SCAYT removes the first space symbol in IE
- SCAYT Textbox. IE: Error after Enter on misspelling in SCAYT Textbox
- SCAYT Core: The version changed to 2.7.2
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT removes several spaces between words
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT doesn’t work without American English in language list
- SCAYT Core. Text loses selection state when words are marked as misspelled
- SCAYT Core. Extra space is pasted after <Enter> at the end of line in IE
- CKEditor. Fix for CKEditor ticket #7176. Error on the page during templates input
- CKEditor. SCAYT affects isDirty on misspelled words replace
- CKEditor. Conflict of dojo versions for CKEditor plugin
- WebSpellChecker. “Template information not found” error on WebSpellChecker call in IE8
- AppServer. Incorrectly removed UD affects spellcheck engine.
- AppServer. %F6 in the value of text parameter leads to “Service is unavailable”
- AppServer. AppServer is crashed when WebSpellChecker is launched with large text in Linux version
- SSRV. ssrv script incorrectly processes Hebrew text with quotation mark
- SSRV. White list is not overloaded in custom settings for ssrv
Version 3.7.2
Release Date: February 8, 2012
- Installation. License agreement added to installation
- Installation. Manual installation instruction for Linux is updated.
- Installation. Requesting license is embedded into automated installation
- AppServer. User dictionary performance improvements
- AppServer. Performance improvements for German language spell checking
- AppServer. Grammar checking rules advanced configuration added.
- SSRV. Errors are returned with appropriate status.
- Dictionaries. American English dictionary update
- Dictionaries. Brazilian Portuguese dictionary update due to Brazilian spelling reform
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Textbox. Webkit: Error on SCAYT menu call
- SCAYT Textbox. Cursor isn’t removed after RMB click in FF3.6
- SCAYT Core. Arrow overlaps “Many suggestions” item in SCAYT menu in FF/IE
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT breaks undo system
- CKEditor. Fix for CKEditor ticket #8659: SCAYT + SyntaxHighlighter conflict
- CKEditor. WSC plugin for CKEditor doesn’t work on the same page with WSC
Version 3.7.1
Release Date: December 8, 2011
Bug Fixes:
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket#8553: SCAYT Causing Format Errors
- SCAYT Core. Text loses selection state when words are marked as misspelled
- SCAYT Core. SCAYT mark-up isn’t taken off while dialog windows are opened in IE9
- SCAYT for Textbox. Issue with text paste
- SCAYT for Textbox. Carriage returns in pasted text are not ignored
- SCAYT for Textbox. Several spaces between words aren’t processed in SCAYT Textbox
Version 3.7
Release Date: November 22, 2011
- SCAYT Core. The version changed to 2.7.0
- SCAYT Core: Improvements in processing large text
- SCAYT: IE9 Support
- SCAYT: MaxLength and Character count properties are implemented
- WebSpellChecker: IE9 Support
- WebSpellChecker: Security is improved (XSS issues are fixed and white list for HTML tags and attributes is added )
- WebSpellChecker: Improvements in performance for “Finish Checking” event in CK/FCKEditor in modern browsers.
- AppServer: User dictionary performance improvements
- AppServer: Licensing system performance improvements
- AppServer: Licensing system improvements (according to changes in new Linux kernel)
- AppServer: Minor logging improvements
- Dictionaries: British English dictionary update
Bug Fixes:
- SCAYT Core. Fix for bug: “Stop running this script” message for large text
- SCAYT Core. Fix for bug: SCAYT repositions cursor in list in IE
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #8224: IE : scayt AutoStartUp and EnterMode BR moves cursor to the beginning
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #8498: First misspelling is not automatically selected in WebSpellChecker in IE9
- AppServer: Stopping AppServer under Linux issue resolved
Version 3.6
Release Date: September 19, 2011
- TinyMCE. WSC plug-in for TinyMCE is released
- SCAYT Core. Processing of large text is improved
Bug Fixes:
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #7118: IE freezes after <Enter> at the end of text
- Installation. Fix for bug: Not enough permissions for lang_list.js file
- SSRV.cgi. XSS vulnerabilities are resolved
- SSRV.cgi. Changed priority of language cookies while SCAYT and WSC plug-ins work together
- SSRV.cgi. Suggestions aren’t generated for words separated with Tab
- SSRV.cgi.   is replaced with coma after “Change to” option
- SSRV.cgi. Invalid displaying of Chinese characters in WSC pop-up
- SSRV.cgi: Non-Unicode encoding of localization files crashes web interface
Version 3.5.2
Release Date: July 26, 2011
- AppServer. Performance improvement of user dictionary processing.
Bug Fixes:
- FCKEditor. Fix for bug: SCAYT url doesn’t depend of protocol type.
- CKEditor. Fix for bug: Mark-up isn’t recovered after WSC popup is called.
- SCAYT Core: SCAYT auto append <br> to paragraph.
- SCAYT Core: Error while change mode to Source before SCAYT is enabled.
- SCAYT Core: SCAYT markup isn’t restored after WSC popup is closed.
- SCAYT Core: Misspelled words are removed by space bar in Chrome.
- SCAYT Core: “Character count” in FF incorrectly processes mark-up.
- SCAYT Core: Empty menu item for SCAYT when no suggestions.
- SProxy: Service host protocol is defined by the request protocol.
Version 3.5.1
Release Date: June 23, 2011
- CKEditor. The version changed to 3.6.
- CKEditor. Setting “disable SCAYT cookie” is added to CKEditor API
- TinyMCE. The version changed to 3.4.2.
- AppServer. Performance improvement of licensing subsystem.
- AppServer. MaxErrorsPercentToSuggest option is implemented.
- SCAYT UI. SCAYT context menu initialization on fire focus is added.
Bug Fixes:
- CKEditor. Incorrect processing of “Change all” option.
- TinyMCE. Incorrect destroy of SCAYT control when TinyMCE execute command ‘mceRemoveControl’.
- SSRV.cgi. Non-informative message for invalid scayt_customer_id parameter.
- SSRV.cgi. [IE] Text with JS code leads to unhandled exception.
Version 3.4
Release Date: March 29, 2011
- WebInterface. SSL support under IIS added.
- API. Spellchecking API added.
- Dictionaries. US Dictionary was updated.
- SCAYT Core: Added a new attribute “maxlength”
- SCAYT core. getContentLength() method for SCAYT.input added.
- TinyMCE. Localization added.
Bug Fixes:
- CKEditor: CKSource #7118: SCAYT Options dialog is not translated
- CKEditor: CKSource #6795: SCAYT Languages tab should contain some spacing between the radio buttons and labels
Version 3.3.2
Release Date: February 1, 2011
- SCAYT Core. The version changed to 2.6.3
- Dictionaries: Updated the Dutch dictionary
Bug Fixes:
- XSS vulnerabilities are resolved
- CKEditor. #6863: Full page mode: Spell check dialog causes a JS error
- CKEditor. #6572: Webkit: SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode=BR
- SCAYT TextBox. Fix for bug: SCAYT ContextMenu: context menu is not shown for SCAYT TextBox in external iframe
- TinyMCE. Fix for bug: Options couldn’t be open with parameter value “autostartup=false”
Version 3.3.1
Release Date: January 5, 2011
- SCAYT Core. Version changed to 2.6.2
- Dictionaries. American and English dictionaries were updated.
- CKEditor. Version changed to 3.5
- SCAYT Core. Native browser spellchecker becomes disabled when SCAYT works under WebKit browsers
- SCAYT Core. Now SCAYT checks for number of misspellings after first response from server
Bug Fixes:
- CKEditor: CKSource #6859: Full page mode: Spell check dialog adds extra empty style tags
- CKEditor: CKSource #6921: “SCAYT attributes need to be filtered on paste”
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #6588: Copy and paste adds <span> if SCAYT is enabled
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #5700: SCAYT doesn’t work with ‘replace’ command
Version 3.3
Release Date: November 10, 2010
- Installation script. Installation instructions updated
- AppServer. License file storage improved
- SCAYT Core. Version changed to 2.5.4
- CKEditor. Updated to version 3.4.2
- TinyMCE. Updated to version
- TinyMCE. scayt_context_menu_items_order feature added to SCAYT plug-in
Bug Fixes:
- AppServer. Memory leaks fixed
- WSC. Bug on finish checking fixed – buttons blocking overlay added.
- SCAYT Core. Fix for bug reported by LuxSci: big cursor in SCAYT Text Box under Firefox when using keyboard navigation
- SCAYT Core. Fix for CKSource ticket #6409: ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn’t work properly when SCAYT is Set to Auto-Start in Firefox
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #6552: Disable WSC and SCAYT on Adobe Air
- CKEditor. Fix for CKSource ticket #5701: [IE] SCAYT wrong status after enter key
Version 3.2.2
Release Date: October 27, 2010
Bug Fixes:
- AppServer. AppServer crashes when working with custom dictionaries.