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WProofreader v3.4.4565

  • Added a toggle option “Correct spelling automatically” for end users to turn on/off the autocorrect feature directly from the UI on the settings dialog. User selection will be remembered in the browser local storage. To find out more about autocorrect feature, refer to the Autocorrect guide.
  • Extended the settingsSections option with additional value: general. This section right now contains the toggle Correct spelling automatically responsible for managing autocorrect functionality. By default it is shown. If admins prefer to remove it from UI, this value has to be removed from the array. Find out more in WProofreader API options docs.
  • Autocorrect replacements are now more user-friendly. The following spelling alarms will be ignored from the autocorrection: abbreviations, words in mixed case or containing digits, if suggestion consists of two words or a number of letters changed is more than one.

Bug fixes

  • [WP-3994, WP-3997] Autocorrect doesn’t work properly with “auto” language