In this time of gratitude, we want to express our thanks to all our customers and partners for being loyal and trusting us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
WebSpellChecker Team
In this time of gratitude, we want to express our thanks to all our customers and partners for being loyal and trusting us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
WebSpellChecker Team
Dear clients, Welcome to our final newsletter! This year we did our best to combine new beginnings with the timeless...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients, This year we do feel like #backtoschool since the majority of all recent improvements have been focused...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients, In winter, we plotted and planned. In spring, we moved! In this blog post, we’ll walk you...
Drupal users, We’re thrilled to announce the new WProofreader integration with Drupal! WProofreader for Drupal is available as a part...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients, Christmas is here, so welcome to the final WebSpellChecker newsletter of the year! One doesn’t simply start...
Greetings, WebSpellChecker clients! Feel like this summer flew by in a flash? Us too. As promised in our previous newsletter, for...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients! New season, new features, new perks. This blog post introduces you to updates and enhancements we at...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients, Long time, no news from WebSpellChecker. It may seem that we’ve slowed down the development pace. But,...
Dear clients, This newsletter should have started with “A great start of the year at WebSpellChecker…”, but the reality in Ukraine...
Dear clients, All you know the current situation in Ukraine which is caused by the enemy’s invasion. All WebSpellChecker team...
Dear Clients! Starting from January 10, 2022, the cloud-based version of Spell Checker “WSC” dialog plugin for CKEditor 4 (WSC...
Dear WebSpellChecker clients, Happy, happy, happy! With a new milestone approaching to all of us, it’s time to summarize what...
Hello our dear clients! Summer is time to sit back and chill out, but it’s not for us. We keep...
All winter we were busy modifying and enhancing our product portfolio to make it more user-friendly, reliable and powerful. And...
Hi everyone! Before the final rush of the year we’d like to introduce the final software update – WebSpellChecker v5.8.0....
We’re thrilled to announce the pilot version of our new product – WProofreader writing assistant – is available in your...