Compliance and support of a new version of CKEditor 4.7.3
SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls: SCAYT user interface and components are keyboard operable. Here some common keys used in keyboard operation of SCAYT:
Tab – move to the next link, element or button;
Shift+Tab – move to the previous link, element, or button;
Enter – activate the current link or button;
Space – check or uncheck a checkbox element;
Up/Down arrow keys – move between radio buttons;
Right/Left arrow keys – move between radio buttons;
Escape – close the current modal dialog or drop down menu and return focus to the element that spawned it.
The default value for the scayt_minWordLength parameter is set to “3” instead “4”. Now SCAYT also checks three-letter words and provides corrections accordingly.
Improved behavior of the spelling and grammar detection mechanism when underlining incorrect words or phrases (markup mechanism).
Bug Fixes:
[WP-1337]: SCAYT Core: SCAYT crashes when the browser localStorage is disabled.
[WP-625]: SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: “Unable to get property type of undefined or null reference” error in the IE11 browser console when SCAYT is Disabled/Enabled.
[WP-1172]: AppServer: Glibc and Glib libraries not found errors during the application installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 with Apache HTTP Server 2.2.15.
Breaking Changes:
Web Interface. To get the performance benefits we replaced the older Common Gateway Interface (CGI), an interface between the web page or browser and the web server that runs the application, with newer and faster – FastCGI. Unlike CGI, FastCGI allows managing multiple CGI requests within a single process without creating a separate process for each request.