SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls: Focus Manager and New Event System
SCAYT Core: Enhanced Event System
SCAYT Core: Improved Markup Mechanism: Markup (a red wavy line) is not removed from a neighboring misspelled word when a user enters “space” after just a typed word.
Linux Installer: Option for the WebSpellChecker application installation in a custom directory.
Bug Fixes:
SCAYT plugin for CKEditor: MultiLanguage: When SCAYT is enabled, the “Remove Language” command would log the exception in the browser console.
SCAYT Core: Arabic symbols are ignored when “scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords” is set to ‘true’.
WebSpellChecker: If Multi-lingual content (e.g. Arabic & English) is being spell-checked and the default language of the dialog is set to English, after the language is changed to Arabic, it doesn’t provide suggestions for the Arabic text if you click on a non-Arabic word first.
GitHub #140: Aside tag gets duplicated when ENTER_BR and SCAYT is used.